Archive: Finding path to program

Finding path to program
Hi all, I tried searching, but I could not find anything, maybe I put the wrong info to search for.

I am a level designer for Raven-Shield, what I need for the installer to do is to grab the info on where the client has installed his raven-shield copy to. Like an auto find, instead of him having to use the browse button to select the location of his installation.

I love NSIS btw,it is great!

There is an instruction for reading path information from the registry (but I can't recall the instruction's name).

You usually use InstallDirRegKey for this purpose. It'll get the installation directory from a specific registry key. An example from makensis.nsi:


You might also want to use .onVerifyInstDir to make sure the directory used is the right one. For example:

Function .onVerifyInstDir
;Check for Winamp installation

IfFileExists $INSTDIR\Winamp.exe Good

Is there ever going to be a command for doing "search all hard drives on a pc for a specific file"

That would be usful for my updates program, but right now I have to get the user to 'tell' the updater app where his downloaded files dirs are (where he commanly downloads files to) which is kinda stupid if you ask me!


You can search a given directory using FindFirst, FindNext, and FindClose.