Archive: I want to use logging

I want to use logging
  I want to use logging but get this Error: LogSet specified, NSIS_CONFIG_LOG not defined.

Attached files i use config.nsh and In&Un.nsi

You need to define NSIS_CONFIG_LOG in Source\exehead\config.h and recompile NSIS. It's not a NSIS compiler setting you can define using !define.

why ?

I was wondering "why" you have made it so you have to recompile to add this feature ? Seems a rather radical method for something that should be an option - or am I missing something ? ARe these logs different to what gets put in the log window while installing ? Is there a way to pipe that to a file ?

What about issuing a EXE that has the switch set in the build ? To save people from recompiling ...


The logs are different than the details printed to the user and are for debugging purpose. The user can right click the details window and choose copy if he/she wishes to keep a copy of it. It's not built in by default because it adds a lot to the EXE header size and usually not required. Containing a switch for it in the compiler would mean that the compiler will have to compile the EXE header or have a pre-made copy, both of which would just eat up time.

The NSIS log feature is for logging the output at compile time.
To capture the log of the InstFiles log window, use this script:,11


It's not for compile time, it's for runtime. But it's for debugging, not for the user.


Ah ok ... now I understand :-) - and thanks for that script - something I will use ..


Output of log question ...

Finally getting around to outputting the log - but not totally understanding what you mean by Push a file. Could you give me real world example please ;-)


To use it push a file name and call it. It will dump the log to the file specified. For example:

Save this script

GetTempFileName $0
Push $0
Call DumpLog


Push command pushes parameters on stack, like assembler does.
This is the design of the NSIS script, not magic

example of simple function taht receive parameters by stack:


MessageBox MB_OK "The message is : $0"
so to call this function you must PUSH a string before

push "Sample Test"

>call DoMsg
So for the function "DumpLog" you must push a string containing the filename where the log information is stored


 push "c:\MyLogFile.txt"

Call DumpLog
then output info will be stored in the file "c:\MyLogFile.txt"

of-course this is valid too:

 StrCpy $0 "c:\MyLogFile.txt"

>push $0
Call DumpLog
I hope you understand the meaning of PUSH/POP statments when using functions that receive parameters using NSIS stack



Thanks - worked like a dream ;-)
