Archive: Installer runs "twice"

Installer runs "twice"
I wonder if someone can help - I'm having trouble with what I expected would be a very simple installer.

I need 3 pages - Welcome, Instfiles and Finish.
What happens is I get the 3 pages, but the Finish page has a "Next >" button, not a "Finish" button. When I hit "Next" I am taken back to the Welcome page and run through these pages again until the second "Finish" page which has a "Finish" button as expected. There is an error in my logic somewhere, but despite all my attempts it is resisting me fixing it.

Here is what I'm doing (you'll see this if you look at the attached script - hopefully you'll also spot my error!):
I'm setting the outpath based on a registry string (which I manually added to my registry while I test this - if anyone wants to try, they'll need to do the same).
With the "File" command, I'm adding a hierarchy of (empty) directories at the moment while I try to get the "shell" to work.
In the (only) Section there is some commented out code that I need to get back to once this first stage is working.

Hi there,

I had this problem too, and it took me a little while to figure out my mistake. Insert this line before line 15:


That should fix it for you!


Bingo - Cheers Dave, I owe you a cold one!