Archive: How can I tell if a new version available ?

How can I tell if a new version available ?
Hi all.

I'm wondering how 2 implement this,
When a user run Update.exe (my update prog)
how can I check if the version on the web site is newer than the user's version ?

I already implemented the GetVersion of the local exe file
but how can I tell what version on the web-site ?

Any ideas how 2 do that ?

I don't know if this help....
Look into the source code of NSISDL plugin.
That might give you a hint.

Method 1. You would need the user to download the update (seems stupid) and then you would GetVersion of that (maybe using GetFileTime) and then compare the update's GetFileTime value to the local files' GetFileTime value.
I've done a better way in which I have all the update versions in a ini file, which my app downloads from a webserver, and then checks if the existing file version (on the users' hdd) is higher or lower than that of the update version.
For this I used GetFileTime.


At this point. Afrow UK's method sounds nice.
Can this be done with Nsis?

I've done it! (in my app)
I will post the app someday when it's done.

My app downloads a list of files from a server, and saves it into a temp lst in the temp dir.
It adds the downloads into 3 different drop-lists where the user can select the ones they wish to download (they can download 3 at once)
The downloads do not go into the drop-lists if...
1. the files within the download are on the hard drive
2. the download itself is on the hard drive

Here is the server list #1 (there are 2)


ini file
Great idea with the ini file!

I'll just write the version to the ini file
download it and compare with existing version