Archive: 2 Problems

2 Problems
I'm using NSIS since few hours.
I tried to create a small installer. I tried to set the Iconfile on this way:

!define MUI_ICON "${NSISDIR}\Contrib\Icons\modern-install.ico"

On the same way I setted the MUI_UNICON. But in the install-routine the icon was a windows-x (red circle with a white X). But in the uninstall-routine the icon was the MUI_UNICON.
By compiling the compiler did not raise an error.

There is one problem more:
My startmenupath looks so: "$SMPROGRAMS\CSD-Software\MovieOrganizer". When I uninstall the program the uninstaller only removes the directory "MovieOrganizer". So I have written the following line:

But it did not work...

I am hopeful, that you can help me...


PS: Sorry for my bad english... :(

Welcome to the Forums :D
1. Put those define before
!include "MUI.nsh".
Can you put your instruction for uninstall icon.
2. try this:

RMDir /r "$SMPROGRAMS\CSD-Software"

For the 2nd problem I found the solve: I did not write $SMPROGRAMS, but $SMPPROGRAMS.

!include "MUI.nsh" is the first line. I attached the scriptfile to the thread, maybe it is better for help...


PS: The instruction for the unistall-icon is in the file... ;)

Can you please attach the compiled installer (without the File commands to save space) so I can see this icon problem? The forum doesn't accept EXE files so you'll have to zip it first.

Oh.... I got it... :(
It is a really silly problem: OutputFile was "Setup_CSD" without an extension. So Windows doesnt unterstand the icon...

Sorry for making trouble... :(
