19th May 2003 14:52 UTC
I've been checking the changes to NSIS periodically and I've seen a lot of fixes for nsisdl.dll --- but nobody has added PBS_SMOOTH to the dll yet. Is someone looking into this?
Also, I was wondering if there was going to be a way in your NSIS script to add a Version Info tabsheet --- or if we will have to stick with the current method using Resource Hacker. I would prefer to have NSIS do this because if you use Resource Hacker to add the Version tab, you can't use crc checking on your executable, or so I've read.
There are some other outstanding issues, but isn't it time for Beta 4?
Or skip the pre-release and make it official! :)
19th May 2003 16:32 UTC
There's already a plugin for that.
19th May 2003 18:36 UTC
i should have been more clear...
as mentioned in this post:
NSISdlSmooth is an old version of NSISdl with smooth progress bar. To create a new NSISdlSmooth open NSISdl.dll in a resource editor such as Resource Hacker and add the PBS_SMOOTH style to the progress bar. -kichik
in my post i was refering to the newer NSISdl, not the older NSISdlSmooth.
so, i'm wondering when they will add PBS_SMOOTH to the newer NSISdl.
sorry for any confusion. :/
21st May 2003 12:51 UTC
Adding PBS_SMOOTH to NSISdl.dll manually is a very simple resource editing task.
You don't need to disable CRC when using !packhdr. You only need to disable CRC if you want to edit the installer after it's created by NSIS.
NSIS b4 will be released when it's ready :)
25th May 2003 18:10 UTC
Latest NSISdl takes its style from the installer, smoothness and colors.