Archive: Questions (after reading FAQs)

Questions (after reading FAQs)

I'm new here.
I have commercial product with approx. 550 files : DLLS , exe ,
system dlls , 400 graphic files : jpgs , gif , bmp and 30 mp3s.

I'm building setups and trying different things for 7 hours non-stop after installing NSIS itself , the Workbench , plugins etc.
It's the first time i use NSIS and i have to say : "I LOVE IT !" :)

Our current installer is "Ex-It Instyler" and fully functional
setup i generated with NSIS is 500KB less ( 5.8MB instead of 6.3MB ).

Later than i did additional compression with 7-zip + upx and got
5.5MB setup (but there's a price of double extracting + potential

Now , i have quetions :

1) I don't use any of start and finish windows , only the install
window itslelf. How can i get rid of buttons "Show Details" ,
"Close" , "Cancel" , "List control" and disable close button ("x") ?

2) Can progress control show percents ?

3) Am i allowed to remove "Nullsoft Install System" text ?
Are there any limitations for commercial use ?

4) I put mfc42 dlls into install folder , because i don't know if
user has it on his computer. Is it possible to check during installation if these DLLs exist and DOWNLOAD them in case they aren't ? ( i know it's possible to upgrade and reboot , but it's not what i need )

5) I tried to comment some of defines of functionality i don't use
( like "REBOOT" ) , but didn't see any change in setup file's size.
So can one save some additional space by commenting unused functionality ?

6) I read a lot about 7-zip on forum and after that made some tests.
Built-in 7-zip could REALLY help me.
Will it be added and when approxemetly (if yes) ?

Thanks in advance,

1. It is not possible to remove the buttons, except the Show Details button by setting:
ShowInstDetails "show"

If you want to remove the log window completely, use:
ShowInstDetails "nevershow"

You can only change the text on these buttons using:
MiscButtonText "< Back" "Next >" "Cancel" "Close"
InstallButtonText "Install"

2. There is currently no % control.

3. Use:
BrandingText /TRIMRIGHT "Hello!"

4. Use the NSISdl plugin, which you can find in the ${NSISDIR}\Contrib\NSISdl directory.

5. In MUI System.nsh?

6. 7-zip is being built into NSIS, but it will and is taking some time ofcourse :)


Thanks for answer.

5. No , in config.h

2 additional questions :

1) I changed branding text to "Installing Software"
Now , when i unisinstall my program , it still has the same
branding text "Installing Software" which doesn't make sense :)
Is there any way to change branding text separately in install and
uninstall dialogs ?

2) Same question regarding "AutoCloseWindow true" - works fine in
install window , but doesn't work in uninstall..

Thank You,

You change the branding text, the license approves it. You can only set it for both the installer and the uninstaller. You can use something like this if you want to do it manually:

Function un.onGUIInit
# read MUI's readme if you are using it if having .onGUIInit problems
GetDlgItem $0 $0 1028
SendMessage $0 ${WM_SETTEXT} 0 "STR:my text"

To set auto closing on runtime use SetAutoClose.

You can remove unwanted buttons by editing the UI and telling the MUI to use it by defining MUI_UI.