Archive: Guys, please help me!!!

Guys, please help me!!!
Hi guys,

I’m a beginner in development using NSIS. I've made my first install application and I’m so proudly for this job. But there is a little bug in my application install that I can't handle.

What's the problem?

I want to create an icon on the Desktop with CreateShortCut instruction, and my code line is like follow:

CreateShortCut "$DESKTOP\BitPro Utilities.lnk" "$2"

Function .onInit


;Get language from registry
ReadRegStr $1 HKLM "Software\Autodesk\AutoCAD\R15.0\ACAD-1:409" "AcadLocation"

;MessageBox MB_OK "AcadPath is '$1' !"
StrCpy $2 '"$1\acad.exe" /s "$INSTDIR;$1\Support;$1\Fonts;$1\Help;"'
;MessageBox MB_OK "BitProPath is $2 !"


I’ve created a variable $2 that I use it in the body of CreateShortCut instruction. Until now everything is OK (I’ve verified value of $2 with MessageBox instruction and is OK), but when the shortcut is created when the installation runs in the "Target" line of shortcut appears like follow:

"C:\Program Files\ACAD2000\acad.exe" \s "C:\Program Files\BitPro Utilities;C:\Program Files\ACAD2000\Support;C:\Program Files\ACAD2000\Fonts;C:\Program Files\ACAD2000\Help;"

Look a little to the \s! I want /s not \s :weird:. Why value of $2 is OK, and when the icon is created is not writes correctly :mad: .

Please, please help me!:cry:

Thanks in advance ;)
Lucian Crisan

I have already answered you here: