Archive: copyfiles dont work

copyfiles dont work

CopyFiles "$R8\Plugins\*.*" "$INSTDIR\Plugins"

$R8 and $INSTDIR are displayed before (for control) and everything seems ok but nothing is copied. both folders are created.

copyfiles ist part of
Function .onInit

any ideas? thx

try without "*.*"

copyfiles ist part of
Function .onInit

any ideas? thx
not necessary...In a Section or a Custom Function mostly

Can you please attach the script?

> CopyFiles $R8\Plugins $INSTDIR\Plugins

must be there cause i have several request before there if setup is executed or not and i need some path from the registry.
the concerning program supports two identical path and i will copy several files from the "all_user" path to the "user" path.
and i dont want to use the dos xcopy when i have the option to do with nsis.

That's why I said "Not necessary..."

Did you create the directory?

OutFile "CopyME.exe"
Name "CopyMe"

Function "CopyME"
CreateDirectory "$EXEDIR\backup"
CopyFiles "$EXEDIR\CopyME.exe" "$EXEDIR\backup"

Function .onInit
Call "CopyME"
MessageBox MB_OK "Done. I copy your main EXE to a subfolder called backup."

Section ""
;I'm a ghost, boo

@Joost - yes


damn - i last tried xcopy - but still no effort

> ExecWait '"xcopy.exe" "$R8\Plugins\*.* $INSTDIR\Plugins\ /k/r/e/i/s/c/h /q/y"'

vars are 100% ok - path and files are existing

This line works so far from WinBatch - why not in NSIS?

> RunHideWait("xcopy.exe", "%b2plugdir%*.* %b2plugdir1% /k/r/e/i/s/c/h /q/y")

bite me - there was an error in the script which determins the install path - second path is read from registry (created from 3rd party)

;IntOp $R4 $R4 - 1

One char was dropped in this line and path is going wrong - i found it when using xcopy manually on parameters (dropped into BATch file).

The rest of all was already bugfree. I can reduce my installer for ~350kb.
:) :)

Next time you can use DumpState.

The problem was not the dump but to recognize the missing "!" i permanently got shown ;)

Well, that one could have helped you to figure it's not coming from somewhere else ;)

It's useful.

thx 4 tool
but i consider that i would not have seen that missing "!" either :lol
I used "MessageBox" to let me show vars..

BTW is there any info about the latest CVS (in generell) ? I dl'ed last 3 days 3 versions and didn't found no info yet - blind?

You can find the latest changes here: