execute with priority
I am willing to 'execwait' specifying the priority, anybody knows how?
thanks :winamp:
Archive: execute with priority
execute with priority
I am willing to 'execwait' specifying the priority, anybody knows how?
thanks :winamp:
You'd have to write a plug-in or change the NSIS source. Unless someone does it before me I'll write you a plug-in tomorrow.
Thanks kichik :)
I don't think anybody can be faster
I'm sorry for the delay. Here it is, attached.
ExecPri::ExecWait 'command line ("C:\myprog.exe" -kill for example)' "priority"
priority can be:
above normal
below normal
Thanks for the plugin.
And don't worry for the delay, I have many NSIS projects so I move to other projects when one is stuck.
execpri only allows execwait but i need exec.
possible to implement both?
or pls tell how to execute "start /low /$EXEDIR\myprog.exe"
ReadEnvStr $R0 COMSPEC
Exec '"$R0" /C start /low "$EXEDIR\myprog.exe"'
thank you
do any of these support launching a console application hidden?
i was trying to do defrag.exe at a low priority, so I tried
ExecPri::ExecWait '"$SYSDIR\defrag.exe" C: -v' "idle"
and it is displayed
i tried some variations of
ReadEnvStr $R0 COMSPEC
Exec '"$R0" /C start /MIN /low "defrag.exe" c: -v'
none of which seem to run at all
Use nsExec::Exec.