Archive: I did something bad.

I did something bad.

I used NSIS to create an installer, during the installation certain registry keys and values are removed. Out of about 1000 cases, 1 of the customers blue screened on reboot. The registry entries removed were all under HKLM/Software and HKCU/Software, removal of the entries themselves could not explain that bluescreen

a) This is windows and I know these things happen but I may not get a chance to use this installer anymore

b) The error was 'page fault in non paged area' on Win2K...

Has anyone experienced anything similar in using NSIS to remove registry entries? Last known good config did allow the system to boot.

- pat

PS I'm not slamming the installer in any way, this is the coolest thing since... poptarts! :)

Attach the script dude... :weird:
to see what's up...

I would have but it's very simple...

A few lines of Delete /REBOOTOK which weren't at fault because loading a registry backup fixed the issue, so it wasn't a file being removed...

And a few lines of DeleteRegKey HKLM/DeleteRegValue HKLM which we did manually on that machine after we restored registry and did not cause the issue.

If this can be reproduced and only fixed after restoring the registry then something is wrong with the DeleteRegKey/Value lines. Please attach the script and state the version NSIS you are using (on the top of the output).

Unfortunately it can't be re-produced.

This was on a customers machine and it worked fine the other 1000 times... unfortunately I was using one of the development snapshots to compile it and don't have that ver around anymore...

We may open it back up to customers for one more try, and I'll try to get as many details as possible if something like this happens again

Also.. how does NSIS write to the registry? Does it make the changes to the file itself or call a windows function?

I had one other issue, after running my app one a win2k machine the dir where hklm is stored for the reg was not accessible. I booted to recovery console and a dir told me the directory structure was unreadable and it required a chkdsk/r to repair...

NSIS uses Windows API functions to change the registry. Nothing out of the ordinary.