Archive: nOOb question :/

nOOb question :/
  Okay... I've done the difficult part... now for some file-extracting issues... :/


>C:Archivos de programaMSN Messenger
: msgslang.dll
>Execute: C:Archivos de programaMSN Messengermsnmsgr.exe
Everything seems OK, but it never copies the file msgslang.dll where it should be :/

the script code is:

Name "MSN6-Spanish"

>AllowRootDirInstall false
OutFile "MSN6-spanish.exe"
>Caption "Traducción al Español del MSN 6 (BETA)"
>ShowInstDetails show
InstallDir "$PROGRAMFILES\MSN Messenger"

>Section "Main"
MessageBox MB_YESNO|MB_ICONQUESTION|MB_DEFBUTTON1 "¿Desea instalar la actualización al español

del MSN Messenger 6 (BETA)?" IDNO cancelar

>## Instalamos el pack en español...

DetailPrint "Instalando traducción..."

## Matamos el proceso del MSN Messenger
KillProcDLL::KillProc "msnmsgr.exe"
DetailPrint $R0

## Descomprimimos el archivo...
DetailPrint $INSTDIR
File "msgslang.dll"
DetailPrint "Traducido!"

## Volvemos a cargar el MSN Messenger...
Exec $INSTDIRmsnmsgr.exe

>## Si no quiere instalarlo, no lo hacemos...


Wow, spanish! Try this dude:

InstallDir "$PROGRAMFILES\MSN Messenger"
Exec $INSTDIR\msnmsgr.exe

You need the \ in the path.

The problem is that

File "msgslang.dll" stores the file in C:\ instead of $INSTDIR

I've corrected the $INSTDIR\msnmsgr.exe bit, that wasn't the problem...

Monki, are you in the forums?? :P

Edit: Latest code:

Name "MSN6-Spanish"

>AllowRootDirInstall false
OutFile "MSN6-spanish.exe"
>Caption "Traducción al Español del MSN 6 (BETA)"
>ShowInstDetails show
InstallDir "$PROGRAMFILES\\MSN Messenger"

>Section "Main"
MessageBox MB_YESNO|MB_ICONQUESTION|MB_DEFBUTTON1 "¿Desea instalar la actualización al español del MSN Messenger 6 (BETA)?" IDNO cancelar

>## Instalamos el pack en español...

DetailPrint "Instalando traducción..."

## Matamos el proceso del MSN Messenger
KillProcDLL::KillProc "msnmsgr.exe"
DetailPrint $R0

## Descomprimimos el archivo...
DetailPrint $INSTDIR
File "msgslang.dll"
DetailPrint "Traducido!"

## Volvemos a cargar el MSN Messenger...
Exec $INSTDIR msnmsgr.exe ##Displayed bad because the php label

goto +3

>## Si no quiere instalarlo, no lo hacemos...
DetailPrint "Instalación abortada..."


See the goto +3 right at the end of section.
That only needs to be goto +2, as it skips commands only, not labels or jump-to's.

The reason why it is dumping File "msgslang.dll" to "C:\" is because you have not told it to go elsewhere.
File /oname=$INSTDIR\msgslang.dll "msgslang.dll"

And you should use:
Exec $INSTDIR\msnmsgr.exe


Thanks for the /oname switch... it means Output Name doesn't it?

The Exec is $INSTDIR\msnmsgr.exe, but I don't know why in the php tags it isnt displayed (even I escaped it :S)

It works perfectly now, I'm finishing the documentation for my DLL... where shall I upload it??

Send dll and readme in a zip to and I will upload and send you a direct url back.


It works perfectly now, I'm finishing the documentation for my DLL... where shall I upload it??
The Archive although you need admin rights to upload files. I'm assuming Afrow UK was refering to some other site for hosting your dll since he/she doesn't have admin rights at the Archive.

[edit]Actually seeing as you've made 20 pages at the Archive I might just end up giving you admin rights anyway Afrow UK ! :)[/edit]

If you send me the DLL and a readme in a zip I'll upload it to the Archive for you. It will then be listed on the downloads page there with the other NSIS dlls.

DITMan, I am very pleased that you have successfully completed your plugin and script.

And yes, I'm in the forums.

I have a web server, I was asking if I can upload it to the NSDN Archive or something like that... more 'official' :P (to be famous and all that stuff :D)

Vaya! Vos está haciendo el parche para MSN Messenger 6 en español?
Bien :up:

[English]wow, you are making the patch for MSN Messenger 6 to spanish?
Cool :up:

Lobo Lunar, it's done already, I'm making a automatic-useless-user-proof installer for it... :)

You can get my DLL HERE

Or reach my Home Page where you can get the translation packed with NSIS using the DLL I've just created :) (and the source for the .DLL ;) )

Originally posted by DITMan
.. more 'official' :P (to be famous and all that stuff :D)
Well the Archive is about as official as it gets.

Sunjammer it's done, you can get the zip file with the binary and sources here:

It's been uploaded, find it on this page, thanks.

I've just added an Archive page here