Archive: Version info

Version info

The new version info feature is great, but being the pedantic person that I am, I thought I'd point out a few things:

* I can't put certain ASCII chars in any of the entries. E.g. try and put a "©" into VILegalCopyrights, and it displays one of those boxes in place of that char.
* It'd be great if you could add a command to change the language/code page.
* Also, is it possible to add your own custom entries into the version info? The changelog entry for this feature eludes to this, but how do you enable this exactly?
* VIProductVersion puts in a "Product Version" entry, and a "File Version" entry in as well, and there's no way to specify each individually. (I like to specify the "FileVersion" in the "StringFileInfo" block of the VS_VERSION_INFO resource, so I don't have to conform to the "x.x.x.x" format.)
* Have a command that lets you specify the internal name, and if you don't use that command, the internal name won't appear?

I'm probably just rambling, but above issues may be of interest.

Brad. :eek:


the problem with some chars like ©, is fixed now, maybe uploaded tomorrow,

I don't know if this is a good idea, but we can add some function to add pairs of Key=Value, and the user is responsible to add all necessary keys, this is maybe the best solution to avoid the need to add new commands every day :)

Language/code_page can be added, but the idea was to automatically add all the pairs of Language/code_page based on the languages used inside installer, but thats ok, it's better idea give full control to the scripter :)


Thanks, Ramon! Much appreciated!

Language/code_page can be added, but the idea was to automatically add all the pairs of Language/code_page based on the languages used inside installer, but thats ok, it's better idea give full control to the scripter :)
I can help with this...
Check this site here is the value generator for the language in the

Lobo maybee you can do enhancement version of MakeLangID.exe with support to codepages?


Well I don't know that much of C++ :(

But I can create a self-viewer of that codepage generator

In this case you can make just a little html file with script to do the task :)

Sure...I'll send you a PM to talk this over...


The IsValidCodePage function (from ResourceVersionInfo.cpp file) is comparing the user entry to all values from an array. The problem is that the array is incomplete (1033 (English US or 1036 (French Fr) for example) ! I hope that 'bug' could be corrected :) !



** oups : wrong message ! Please delete it :rolleyes: sorrrrrrrry :cry: **

Well, actually, 1036 and 1033 are not code pages, they are language ids. Hebrew code page for example is 1255, while its language id is 1037.

yes, my mind has suddently awaken and my last post makes me dumber than ever :(

... instead of looking for invisible bugs, i should thanks the author for that great new feature :)

That would be Ramon ;)