Archive: Can't compile UserVars.nsi

Can't compile UserVars.nsi
In the examples folder, I'm trying to compile "UserVars.nsi" and its not compiling...I'm getting this error:

Error: DIM specified, case NSIS_SUPPORT_NAMED_USERVARS not defined.
Error in script "D:\NSIS\Examples\UserVars.nsi" on line 31 -- aborting creation process
Any ideas? I'm using the latest Dev Snapshot

NSIS_SUPPORT_NAMED_USERVARS is not compiled in by default yet. You'd have to uncomment the #define line in Source\exehead\config.h and recompile.

any idea when it will be standard?

Just tried compiling with DevC++ and compiled the MakeFile and it errored...are there instructions on how to compile it? I suppose I could hit search and I bet something comes up :)

When it's ready and working on its best :)

The makefiles are out of date. I think DevC++ is capable of importing VC project files. Try importing makenssi.dsw the .dsp files (all of them).

this is starting to get a little over my head...

any idea how to "import"?

*edit* I found an old post about using MingGW to that still an option?

No, MinGW needs the makefiles too. DevC++ should have an import option in one of the menus, it should be real easy from there on.

i have any older version...going to update now. I didn't see an import option in DevC++ 4.0

There is a file called ImportMSVCFm.pas on DevC++ 5's CVS repository, so you should be able to import in version 5.

got it didn't compile, got a bunch of warnings but this is the first error:

6 D:\NSIS\Source\build.cpp
In file included from build.cpp

the line is : #include "exedata.h"

What was the error?

changed to link...big pic

It doesn't look like this compiler is compatible, maybe you can get a .NET SDK from Microsoft that includes a compiler.

As far as I can tell it's just saying there is no line break at the end of exedata.h. I don't see any mention to an error there...

Don't copy and paste huge blocks of code/log please. Attached.

Anyway, that log doesn't help either. It doesn't mention any error but the error count.

Try what Joost said.

thx guys..i'm running out now but I'll try it later.

Great support as always guys...thanks a lot! :)