Archive: Strange behaviour from CD

Strange behaviour from CD
Hi all,

I try running the installation from a CD
and got some strange stuff:

the progress bar looks like it starts, but it does it in a loop,
when I close the explorer window it start running
(does it make sense ?)

I dont think the file is damaged nor the CD,

is there something I should add ?
I think I saw something about running the installation from a network
but can't remember where,

did anybody got same problem ?

I'm using a modern UI (2.04b)

Can you give some more details? Scripts? Screenshots?

Double checked.

I bet this is a bug,
(but must have the specific conditions)

I just tested from another CD,

as I said, it only happen if U run it from an explorer window
(of the CD - it will NOT happen running using a Windows Commander)

anyway, progress bar just keep dancing until explorer window is closed,

I bet it will happen 2 U 2,
just create a modern UI and try 2 run it from a burned CD (with explorer)

I think I'm not on drugs today,
so I really hope 2 fix this sometime...

I can't reproduce this. There are still some details missing. I need to see your script. Does it happen with other scripts? Does it happen with NSIS 2.0b3 or 1.98? Why is there no text on the dialog?