Archive: WriteINIStr for URL link

WriteINIStr for URL link
First of all, let me say how overjoyed I am now that I am
using NSIS. I did more with NSIS in 2 days than I was able
to do in months with InstallShield. And the installation is
1/2 the size! I keep thinking I forgot to add something.

Anyway, there is obviously something I'm conceptually
missing. I took the makensis.nsi script and hacked away on
it until I had it working with our much simpler
installation. Everything works fine but:

I have this in my nsi script:


WriteINIStr "$SMPROGRAMS\Intrig Insight\Intrig Online.url" \
"InternetShortcut" "URL" ""

That is, I want to add a link to my company's home page.
After installing, I click on the shortcut, and I get a
windows error:

"The address at 0x32452434 cannot be written" (or something
like that). And then the explorer bar goes away and I have
to logout and log back in to get it to work again. Not
exactly an ideal user experience!

Could you tell me what I'm missing. Looks like a newbie
error to me. If you need more info please don't hesitate to ask.



I don't know maybe: "" (without the "/")
I don't see way isn't work, the script is fine.
maybe the "\" in your script....

I don't think that makes sense.

Does it work if you create a .url file manually?

Sure. I made a .url file on the desktop and it works fine.

Now, when I did a search on "Intrig Online", it turned up nothing. So I guess the url file is not being created. Do I have to create the INI file somewhere in my script?

Try this simple script and tell us the result,
this script just generate one url on your desktop

Name TestURL
OutFile TestURL.exe

Section XDummy

SetShellVarContext all
WriteIniStr "$DESKTOP\TestURL.url" "InternetShortcut" "URL" ""

Btw: this seams to be a shell problem of your box, you can use notepad and open the "TestURL.url" and see if the contents is valid, for me is:



The above script works fine. The problem occurs when I try to writeINIStr to the shortcut in the start menu. The url file gets created in the current user, but I get the "Cannot read address 0x00000000" error when I click on it. And I noticed that if I click on the Start>Programs>NSIS>NSIS Development Site, I get the same error. So it looks like there is something wrong with my machine setup.

Yes, there must be something wrong with your machine. Works fine here.