Archive: How to run a program at the end of install (not users choice) automatic?

How to run a program at the end of install (not users choice) automatic?
How do you get a program to run at the end of an installation? Not the kind of program where the finish page ask the user "run...".

In other words I have a batch file which is required to run in order to complete some task. It has to run otherwise the project might not work and could offer some trouble.

How do I get it to with or without the users permission?

Thank you for any information on this :)

Add an extra section at the end with an empty name or a name starting with -.

I am sure it works but I had a little trouble with your suggestion. Instead I took your idea about ExecWait on this thread and applied it to a section which is called last during installation.

It so far works so is this wise? Could there be another place which guarentees for it to be called last before the finishpage pops up?

I believe this is cool but would like to know for sure.

Thank you Joost

Like a said before:

Section bla

;This is your section


Section -post

;Executed before the Finish page


Thank you Joost,

I did create my own section and I placed it as the last section called in the script "right above Function un.onUninstSuccess". It seems to work as requested and it is now my preferred method in launching applications before the install finishes.

I hope this is wise.

Thank you Joost.