Archive: multiple CD issue

multiple CD issue
  hi again !

i work on a project that has 3 cds. so it has 3 instfiles pages, like this:


>!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES
Page custom CD02 ValidateCD
>!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES
Page custom CD03 ValidateCD
>!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES
>!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_FINISH
the custom functions are for checking that the right (next) cd is in place.
my script works. this not the problem. i tested in Win2K and the installer works perfectly, no error. then i tested in Win98SE and - surprize - when the installer finishes the files from the second or the third cd it displayes a blue screen telling me to insert the first cd back. ugly !

this is not good...

PS: all my CDs must be in the same section. so i have only one section. this is the code i use (attach) to check the current cd to install.

thank you in advance.

And what you want here? To find a way to not put the first cd again after the blue screens, and to disappear the blue screens?

[EDIT]If YES, maybe putting a file command to extract a file in the Hard Drive (a empty file) after installing files in the CD. So the Windows will think that you are not using anymore the CD. Example (for each CD):

($INSTDIR here is the path to install it in a CD)

SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
File "C:/Program/File.ext"
SetOutPath "C:/"
File "C:/Program/Temp.ext"
Delete "C:/Temp.ext"

When you are extracting files only to a CD, and you eject and put another, Windows will think that are extracting in the same first CD.[/EDIT]

Or use registry keys.

Originally posted by deguix
And what you want here? To find a way to not put the first cd again after the blue screens, and to disappear the blue screens?

[EDIT]If YES, maybe putting a file command to extract a file in the Hard Drive (a empty file) after installing files in the CD. So the Windows will think that you are not using anymore the CD.[/EDIT]
thanks for reply. yes, this is what i want. is anoying, after the second cd to put the first cd back (i'm not copying anything at that point from it) and then replace it with the 3rd cd to continue installation.

i do not understand what are you trying to say. i'm not extracting files to a cd, i'm extracting from a cd. actualy from 3 cds. the blue screen appears (i think) because the installer (nsis) cannot be located (is on the first cd). i tried (tested) to put the installer on the all cds, but the same result.

thanks again.

PS. Joost, what do you mean by "use regitry keys" ?

I mean that writing registry keys instead of temp files is better.