Archive: How to order custom pages to show up after the introduction, license agreement, etc?

How to order custom pages to show up after the introduction, license agreement, etc?
I placed the "Page custom" commands at the bottom of the heap... I also placed the "LangString" and custom page functions towards the closest I could get it at the bottom of the script but they still show up first.

I would like to show the introduction, license agreement first *before* the user gets to the custom screens... I cannot manage to do it by simply placing the scripts at the bottom...

Is their another manual way of doing this? This is currently how I have it set up.

Page custom RabbitHole

But the custom pages always show up first... Any ideas?

Typing !defines before Page won't do anything, a define just associates a value with a name that can be later used to repeat the value. What I think you meant to do is:

!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_WELCOME
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_LICENSE
Page custom RabbitHole

To use the syntax Sunjammer has given, you have to download the latest development version (Modern UI 1.65).

Trying to build a script which builds perfect in 2.0b3 in 2.0b4 yields plenty of warnings, one error and no .exe file.

Here are the warnings.

Processed 1 file, writing output:
Adding plug-ins initializing function... Done!
warning: uninstall function "un.mui.InstFilesPre" not referenced - zeroing code (0-6) out

warning: uninstall function "un.mui.InstFilesLeave" not referenced - zeroing code (8-22) out

warning: install function "mui.Welcome" not referenced - zeroing code (131-173) out

warning: install function "mui.LicensePre" not referenced - zeroing code (174-180) out

warning: install function "mui.LicenseShow" not referenced - zeroing code (181-186) out

warning: install function "mui.InstFilesPre" not referenced - zeroing code (188-194) out

warning: install function "mui.Finish" not referenced - zeroing code (197-284) out

Processing pages...
Error: license page and LicenseData depend on each other, both must be in the script!
Error - aborting creation process

I tried finding out about the new "mui.commands" by looking both in the readmes and changlog but they're not documented... I assume they're to replace the "MUI_COMMAND" with the new "mui.Command" So far 7 warnings and here is how I am trying to get around them...

!define MUI_WELCOMEPAGE "IS" !define mui.Welcome
!define MUI_LICENSEPAGE "IS" !define mui.LicensePre
!define MUI_LICENSEPAGE_RADIOBUTTONS "IS" !define mui.LicenseShow
!define MUI_FINISHPAGE "IS" !define mui.Finish

To be honest if theirs a code overhaul or something which is going to conflict with my 2.0b3 scripts I much rather downgrade and work on another solution otherwise I might find myself going in a circle I am already trying really hard to avoid.

Can custom pages be ordered in 2.0b3 stable? Is their not a way to number them say

1 !define
2 !define



Thanks, but I am really trying to avoid going in circles by starting with a newer NSIS installer... Is ordering achievable in 2.0b3?

Thank you in advance

Please read the Modern UI Readme. I already told you that you have to use the new Page macro's.

See also:

pls read this topic - there is a solution - but you need the cvs

Thank you Brummelchen,

That link got me to work in seeing a real live example of a script which already used the new page macros. I took some time in applying them and voila I can build with no errors or warnings. Thank you so much for that link Brummelchen ;)

Thank you Joost,

I suare without your help I might as well sit in the dark with my computer off and the lights out. Thanks for pushing me into upgrading to the dev build to fix my page ordering. I got them ordered the way I wish and it is indeed simple.

Thank you all for your time and patience with me.


I have the same problem and a lot of errors ... :-((

by using yours solutions, my bitmaps on yelcome page disappear etc...

Could you send me an example of scrit with the use of a custom page in a order

thank you a lot


Do you upgrade to the latest development version and read this topic below?

@Joost - wrong link ;)

thank you

I have found my firts errors !

NSIS installer is a very excellent soft!

Thanks for your answers
