Archive: NSIS Editors

NSIS Editors
There are a lot of (free) NSIS editors and many of them are not supported any more by the author. (most do not work with NSIS 2)

I have an ideea, how about to choose one of them and include it in NSIS development. So we'll be able to enhance it.

Sorin Sbarnea

thats a good idea, I recommend HM NIS Edit
it has the most modern view and some real good features

DOCa Cola

Look here:

I writed to the author and I'm wainting for a reply. Until then I'm wainting for other programs - one of them should became NSIS GUI (if Nullsoft want this).

All the Nsis Script editors are great...
But I think that we will need one that updates as Nsis updates...
For me Workbench does the job.

yea, workbench is also good, but thats only for nsis 1.x?

Workbench wasn't updated for more than an year and this is bad but please contact the author and ask it about this ideea. If he isn't intered we'll cut him from the list ;)

Workbench -

PS. We need an project: compatible with NSIS 2.0, free, open source project and with an author ready to do this.

Please consider CrimsonEditor.
It is free professional source code editor. It is excellent!

To see the long list of languages supported by CrimsonEditor, use this link. You will see there NSIS.

At the list above you will see that Crimson already supports NSIS.
- NullSoft NSIS Script (thanks to : Claudio Tranchina)
last updated Aug. 26, 2002

I use the above with code written in NSIS 2beta4 latest CVS. Of course it would work even better if it were updated.

Currently I do lite coding in several languages:
NSIS, AutoIt, Gui4cli, Microsoft WSH/VBScript, DOS.

CrimsonEditor works with all of these, and will most likely work with anything other language I might need to use in the future.

CrimsonEditor supports WordWrap. Some languages I use require this so I have gotten used to using it and I like it. I have adopted the practive of using WordWrap with NSIS, eventhough NSIS doesn't require it, I find that using WordWrap makes it easier for me.

CrimsonEditor is small and fast and can also serve as a Notepad replacement. WindowsXP notepad editor is buggy.

CrimsonEditor has a active user forums, including a special forum for those writing scripts for the various programming languages.

I did a google search for "Crimson Editor", and got 471 hits. (8500 for Crimson and Editor)
These posts are full of praise, and recommendations for this editor, by authors that write in a variety of languages.

I tried several editors before I settled on Crimson Editor.


yea, but there would be no real adaption for nsis
it should be an editor that was designed for nsis, as nsis workbench or hm nis edit

DOCa Cola

Yes, you are right. ONLY editors desined for NSIS would be used. We want a GUI not one simple text editor

Must agree....
There a tons of script that only highlight the syntax....
Since Workbench have the option to add functions...
why not update only the functions....
and add the new instructions

Hello I'm the autor of HM NIS Edit. I want to say that my "editor" is not a simple script editor, it has a script wizard and a Install Options designer and in this week a will do a new releace with a better InstallOptions designer.
Please check it here:

Dear ranametal,
You didn't say if you agree to add your work to the NSIS project?

By the way, I don't know what java scripts you have on your site, but after 2 js errors the last version of IE 6 crash. - Nive M$ stuff - for the first time in years.

I tried plenty of the editors out and do agree and will vote on HM NIS EDIT. I think its really good and in fact the only editor which made using NSIS a whole lot easier for me. I rate it a 10 if I could. Very nicely done indeed. Great work ranametal! :)

HM NIS is great :up:
My idea will be to make the Install Options INI creator
as another standalone app....
Nice work, dude.... :)

PS: Nice Metal-Frog nick, dude ;)

if Nullsoft or any more want to add my editor to the NSIS project yes! i agree to do this.

My idea is to do a complete NSIS IDE and I don't want to do a separate application to the IO designer.

Thanks for your support

PS: Because Geocities is a free web hosting service it automatically add a script to show a popup window in the pages, but these scripts only do the explorer crash.

I think I understand what Lobo Lunar is trying to say. It is incredibly easy to design a custom screen thanks to HM NIS but once the GUI closes it seems you cannot re-edit the design without redesigning it first.

That alone sort of takes away the speed of production on complexed custom screens given the current tools. But believe it or not HM NIS EDIT I would still vote a 10!

It is excellent and I can't wait for the update to be honest. Where do we send feature request and keep track of them so not to repeat them?

Excellent work so far ranametal!

One more vote for HM NIS Edit.
I use it for all my NSIS needs. :)
A few suggestions for improvement:
1) Hitting escape closes the editor without warning, even if you are in the Find.. dialog. Very disconcerting.
2) Ctrl-V doesn't work in the Find dialog. It pastes into the main editor window instead. Again, very disconcerting. Also, it would be nice to highlight a word and hit Ctrl-F to open the Find dialog with the word preselected.
3) Ctrl-G for save is not standard in English editors- even though it may be for other languages. Is there anyway to change the keyboard accelerators for different languages.
4) Undo/Redo behavior is erratic.

Other than, several thumbs up. :up::up::up:
A very nice piece of software.

[edit]Looking at the pre-release version 1.3, I see that you have fixed 1 and 2.
Good job.[/edit]

My vote goes to HM NIS Edit. :)

And repeat iceman words, some problems still exist, and of course some way to re-edit ini files would be great

Oh, and don't forget C++ like comments :P

good job,

I vote too for HM NIS Edit. So now we have to convince project leaders to add it to the project so any feedback would be good. I will create a voting thred named NSIS GUI and please vote for it.

Now is available the 1.4 release of my editor.

Some new things are:

* Wizard support for MUI 1.65.
* Now you can visually edit InstallOptions files.
* Many InstallOptions designer enhancements.
* Added a XP manifest.
* Reorganized HelpIndex.ini for easy update.
* Highlighter support for block comments like C/C++ (Thanks Ramon)
* Many bug fixes.

Tanks for your support.

the installoptions designer is amazing!
but, \n in labels is not translated to a return...but otherwise very good work!

DOCa Cola

Heh, just finally downloaded HM NIS this morning... then a couple hours later... a new version? heh

Got one suggestion for HM NIS though, that would be VERY nice. If any of you have used Visual Studio .Net, you remember how you can expand and collapse sections? being able to do that would be one huge improvement...

Great work!!! :D

Just some suggestions:

1) As someone else already stated, can you use the standard keyboard commands Ctrl+S for Save and Ctrl+O for Open (Ctrl+G and Ctrl+A are confusing)?

2) Why a "?" instead of the normal "Help" in the Menu bar?

3) Arrange under Menu Window is spelled wrong

4) Love the new ability to use the InstallOptions Designer on .ini files :), but the syntax for an old .ini file has to be perfect for it to work (I had to compare my .ini file with one designed with the designer to get it to accept mine). Is there any way you could use the same import routines that the InstallOptions.dll use? After all, the source is available. This should make your designer work with old .ini files.

Contribution from me:

German language file


PS if i translated something wrong or forgot something pls contact me

Without a doubt this editor is great! Thank you very much for your time on it ranametal and also (of course) all the developers on NSIS. A no doubt awesome combination and I look forward to the updates.

Thank you all again :)

I don't understand why do you think it would benefit us all to include HM NIS in the NSIS project. I can see a lot of other reasons to avoid doing so. Reasons such as elimination of competition, limitation of the original author (he won't get an admin on the project) and the oblivious fact that HM NIS isn't even open source.

Don't get me wrong, I think HM NIS is a great editor and it's coming along very nicely. But I won't take a stand on which editor everything should use. Other editors such as Venis, NSIS Pack, NSC and SlateBlue 3 are all currently on development.

Instead of trying to push one editor into the NSIS project itself why don't you try to create one big SourceForge project that a lot of you will work on together?

BTW, you can find my list of feature requests here.

Thanks for your response, my reason is that well have an opensource editor (NSIS license). And we'll be able do improve it if it open source.

Yes there is your suggection too, to add a new project to sourceforge for this kind of project. If the author can't get CVS access to NSIS welll have to do this BUT i want that someone from Nullsoft to have admin on project and this is why: if the author can't update it anymore, his work will be continues by someone else and the project will not die la mary others.

To make an open source project it must not rely on a single person.
For exemple I agree to contribute to the new project but first we'll have to see the author oppinion about this.

Having another project doesn't prevent one of us to have an admin on it. It's just a matter of a few clicks. But even if we won't, the author can still just pass on his admin rights to another developer.

Though opening another project, or even adding the project to the NSIS project won't give you what you're looking for. It won't add more than one person to the project. For this you need an open-source project that will either be very interesting so people will follow it or start with more than one developer.

Hello all,

This is my first look at HM NIS Edit and I must admidt, it seems like a good program. Not quite the approach I am taking with Venis, but the installoptions wizard is pretty cool.

As far as picking one editor to make the "official" NSIS editor would insult me and I am sure the other creators of NSIS editors out their. Plus I see the competition being a good thing.

Seeing this debate on packaging one editor with NSIS has given me the blues since I have planned to package NSIS as an option in the Venis setup. To me, that is like packaging Internet Explorer with Windows, you may want to stress standardization, but you kill competition and sometimes software quality.

I am planning a new release of Venis soon. Please visit the web site for a rundown of features.
