Archive: Can System do this?

Can System do this?
  It would be handy if I could DetailPrint 4 lines of text for current status, and then if something fails, then I want to be able to remove just those 4 lines, but not the rest of the text from the log window, and print the status once again (4 lines).

Is this possible?



You can use this two functions to accomplish this task;
Ofcourse this functions only have effect while inside sections.


>!define LVM_GETITEMCOUNT 0x1004
>!define LVM_DELETEITEM 0x1008
>; This function delete one element from the details view
>; Push the index of the elemnet to delete before call
>Function DeleteDetailViewItem
FindWindow$1 "#32770" "" $HWNDPARENT
GetDlgItem$1 $1 0x3F8 ; This is the Control ID of the details view
SendMessage$1 ${LVM_DELETEITEM} $0 0

>; This function get the count of entries from the details view
>; You must Pop the result value after call
>Function GetDetailViewItemCount
FindWindow$1 "#32770" "" $HWNDPARENT
GetDlgItem$1 $1 0x3F8 ; This is the Control ID of the details view
SendMessage$1 ${LVM_GETITEMCOUNT} 0 0 $1
Usage example:

Section Dummy

DetailPrint "Copying file A..."
StrCpy $0 "success!"
MessageBox MB_YESNO "Generate copy errors?" IDNO +2
StrCpy$0 "failure!"
push $0 ; save
call GetDetailViewItemCount
intop$0 $0 - 1 ; decrement to delete last entry
call DeleteDetailViewItem
pop$0 ; restore
DetailPrint "Copying file A...$0"

As you can see, you can use this functions to delete any entry(ies) you want :)

Hope this help,good luck

If this is not already on the archive, may I add it?


This is what I want to do
Will this work?

Section Dummy

DetailPrint "This line stays!"

DetailPrint "line 1"
DetailPrint "line 2"
DetailPrint "line 3"
DetailPrint "line 4"

Call GetDetailViewItemCount
Pop $0

Push $0
Call DeleteDetailViewItem

IntOp $0 $0 - 1

Push $0
Call DeleteDetailViewItem

IntOp $0 $0 - 1

Push $0
Call DeleteDetailViewItem

IntOp $0 $0 - 1

Push $0
Call DeleteDetailViewItem

No it won't work, because you don't decrement the value returned by GetDetailViewItemCount, ie:

Suppose you have 3 items on details view:
"Line 1" -> Index is 0
"Line 2" -> Index is 1
"Line 3" -> Index is 2

But GetDetailViewItemCount returns 3, if you want to delete last entry you must decrement the returned value to get 2, witch is the correct index to "Line 3", you see?

I can change the function "DeleteDetailViewItem" so the input param is not ZERO based, if you want?

btw, use this macros to accomplish what you need:

push $0
Call GetDetailViewItemCount
Pop $0
IntOp $0 $0 - 1 ; decrement to get the right index of last entry
Push $0
Call DeleteDetailViewItem
pop $0

then in your dummy section:

DetailPrint "This line stays!"

DetailPrint "line 1"
DetailPrint "line 2"
DetailPrint "line 3"
DetailPrint "line 4"

!insertmacro DELETE_LAST_ENTRY ;delete "line 4"
!insertmacro DELETE_LAST_ENTRY ;delete "line 3"
!insertmacro DELETE_LAST_ENTRY ;delete "line 2"
!insertmacro DELETE_LAST_ENTRY ;delete "line 1"

PS: if you want to add it to the archive, feel free to add it, sorry I have no time now

good luck,

I put up this page with 2 new functions on it.
One deletes lines from the end of the log window, and the other deletes lines from the top.

Works great too!
