Archive: Finishpage


Is there anyway to edit the text that displays on the FINISHPAGE when you select to open a readme.txt file. Want to add a paragraph of text above the check box. Or do I need to edit in a resource editor and if so - which file should I edit ?

Also does anyone have an full example of how to create a installoptions page (NSIS2B4) that if you have 2 text boxes on a form that you can write out that text to a txt file.

Been a while from when I was last on, but did anyone ever finish off a CHM of the NSIS help files ?

Thanks in advance


About the strings of the finish page, two ways:
1. Open your lang file in ${NSISDIR}\Contrib\Modern UI\Language files
and edit directly the strings.
2. use defines before !Include "MUI.nsh":

!define MUI_TEXT_FINISH_INFO_TITLE "I'm finishing installing this"
!Include "MUI.nsh"
;to see the rest strings goto ${NSISDIR}\Contrib\Modern UI\Language files and open the language


Thanks for that ... all is fine - however the text is quite long - about a paragraph and so its getting "cut" off - is there any way around that ?

use this, for example:

MessageBox MB_OK "This is a very long text but I'll keep it \
until it ends here."
MessageBox MB_OK "This is line is the #1.$\r$\nThis line is #2"


Its not a MessageBox - but part of the FinishPage Dialog eg. I get about the first 2 lines and the rest is cut off.

!define MUI_TEXT_FINISH_INFO_TITLE "Editing the MBlox configuration file"

!define MUI_TEXT_FINISH_INFO_TEXT "When you click &Finish notepad will\r\n\r\ load with a mblox.txt that was saved in directory which installed the SDK into.\r\n\r\ Please edit remembering to SAVE the file with the information Mblox sent you when you account was opened.\r\n\r\ If you do not know this information you can add later, however the samples will \r\n\r\NOT work until mblox.txt is correctly filled in.\r\n\r\"


The "Welcome" and "Finish" pages are custom pages and by default use ioSpecial.ini. You can define your own custom page INI file with bigger boxes for the text and then tell MUI to use your INI file instead of ioSpecial.ini.

See the note on MUI_SPECIALINI in the MUI readme.