Archive: MUI + .onNextPage

MUI + .onNextPage
I have been getting familiar with NSIS and its MUI the
last couple of days. Its very nice; I have done most
of the hard parts of the install script [detecting jre; using
installoptions etc] but I am getting stuck in a [hopefully]
simple problem .

After the directory page shows up [because of !insertmacro MUI_PAGECOMMAND_DIRECTORY] and the user selects
a directory; I would like a simple messagebox just reconfirming
this fact - something like "You are going to install foo in
directory c:\bar. Continue?" and have a YES/NO box.
If the user
clicks NO ; the installer should stay at the same page. If yes,
it proceeds to the next page [which is a custom page]

I see .onNextPage is an easy way to do this but it seems to
be deprecated. I saw another thread on "leave" function for
MUI but I could not get it to work.

Any ideas or code on how to do this ? Thanks. Regards,

Try making your own "leave" function for the MUI Directory page. Look at the end of the MUI ReadMe for information on how to tell MUI to use your "leave" function.

Your function will get called when the user clicks the button on the MUI Directory page to move onto the next page.