Archive: Modern UI - Uninstall Reboot Dialog??

Modern UI - Uninstall Reboot Dialog??
From what I can see, there is no reboot dialog for the ModernUI on uninstall. Is this planned? (I have implemented a custom dialog for the moment, but it's a oversight IMHO).

Also, are there any mirrors of this forum? The reason I ask, Is I started to convince my bosses that NSIS is the way to go, but I can't access these forums at work, our Proxy software (websense) blocks them (as it's part of Winamp domain).

So far, NSIS is going to solve ALOT of our problems, and we are no longer at the mercy of InstallShield Professional (sorry to use bad language here...)

Is there a roadmap for NSIS V2 release? The todo list still seems to have alot in it. The enhanced 7ZIP compression will be good (Currently NSIS is 2nd place in our compression trials, GInstall beating it by a long margin).

Keep up the good work!!!

In this thread Joost explains (sort of) why there is finish page on the MUI. You can also request it again though :)

There aren't any mirrors to the forum, you'd have to make an exception on the proxy.

NSIS 2 should go final in less than two months, with 7zip.

It's a shame there is no reboot on uninstall. In our particular application (which is not PC software as such), Reboot on Install and Uninstall is mandatory for the end user.

I have hacked together a reboot custom dialog, but it looks a bit cheezy compared to the original install reboot dialog.

Is there another way todo this, other than using the custom dialog plugin DLL. Can I add my own dialog to the Modern EXE resource for uninstall? Are there any instructions on howto do this?

The MUI itself uses a custom dialog plug-in DLL. You can just open the MUI's source and copy ;)