Archive: Feature Request

Feature Request
On the finish page, I'd like to show a checkbox with custom text, so if checked and when the Finish button is pressed, the user is taken to a given URL. The closest functionality to this is the MUI_FINISHPAGE_SHOWREADME instruction. Rather than creating a new set of instructions, MUI_FINISHPAGE_SHOWREADME can be renamed to something generic like MUI_FINISHPAGE_SHOWQUESTION. And another instruction can be added to the text of the question like: MUI_FINISHPAGE_SHOWQUESTION_TEXT (default text can be "Show Readme")

Can somebody tell be how to change the text "Show Readme" on the finish page. Thanks, Sandy

!define OPENURL "[url to you're web page]"

!define MUI_TEXT_FINISH_SHOWREADME "Open homepage"

Function OpenURL
MessageBox MB_YESNO|MB_ICONQUESTION "Would you like to view the application homepage now?" IDNO no-openurl
WriteINIStr "$TEMP\openurl.url" "InternetShortcut" "URL" "${OPENURL}"
ExecShell open "$TEMP\openurl.url"
Delete "$TEMP\openurl.url"


However, if you use the latest Modern UI in the latest NSIS version (2b4) then you can put a simple link control similar to a webpage link on you're finish page instead.


I've tried the MUI_FINISHPAGE_LINK and it does not close the installer (correct behavior). I can see its use as an FYI link to a web site. I was looking for a sequential process where the intall process finishes then user goes online to do the next step. I will try your example above. Thanks Sandy.

Actually, this will work:

!define MUI_TEXT_FINISH_SHOWREADME "Test-drive online"
!define MUI_FINISHPAGE_SHOWREADME "http://mywebsite"

Yep. It uses ExecShell, so there is no need to use a function.