AddSpace Command
I have found with the AddSpace command that it works initially,
but when I force the Checked State of an option then it reports 0

NSIS 2.0 Beta 4 (CVS) as of 15 July 2003

Code Sample

SubSection "Supporting Files" SPF
Section "Internet Explorer 6.0 With SP1" IE6
AddSize 102400
Exec "$EXEDIR\Support\IE60SP1\IE6SETUP"

Function .OnSelChange
Call ForceIE
StrCmp $0 1 NoChangeIE Completed
SectionSetFlags ${IE6} 1



When the Installer firts starts you see Space Required: 100.0MB, Then the user tries to deselect the option, the Space Required: 0.0MB. I then change the selected state via the .OnSelChange function but the Space Required: stays 0.0 MB

Any ideas on how to ensure that the space required reflects the space based on the items selected. I.E Is there a refresh all command?