Archive: LicenseData /LANG=${.....} "......" help

LicenseData /LANG=${.....} "......" help
I Did what I can to try to find the answer as to why the langauge I select is not being translated in the User License Agreement box (only the default English).

I'm knew and using the NSIS 2.0b3. Why am I unable to do this? I ran the example Multilanguage.nsi, but it doesn't display the language I select other than english in the agreement box. Doesn't this suppose to translate also?

To avoid having to write the license in 20 different languages this example uses the same language for all licenses. The license has been removed from these examples in the latest CVS version to avoid this confusion.

This is a simple question, but does this mean I have to write my own agreement in these langauges and/or is there some type of software that you know of that will translate the english for me?

You have to get your own licenses. If you're using a well known license such as GPL I'm sure you'll be able to find translations for it all over the web.

Note that the Modern UI license is an open source BSD-like license. You will probably need another license.

Oops, sorry for the confusion. What I really meant is, when I write my own agreement license which will be in english (don't know how to speak or write in the others), I need a software that will translate it into the other languages.

...but thanks, I'll search the internet for one.

P.S. I want to say, this NSIS is what I was looking for and it's an excellent software. Thanks for you help!...

try this online translation service:

good luck, Kypec

Find a friend and ask him if he can translate the license from ** to **.
these translate programs in the web they translate a text letteraly and 80% are wrong.
They working good if you want translate words but doesnt work very weel with text.
Or if you have time to spend......translate the text and try to fix it.....
Sorry man

Translation licenses is not simple. An online translation service is abolutely useless. Even for a normal translator it's difficult, because everything should be legally right.

I need to write, no 20, but five license in 5 different languages.
It worked fine before with the old one.