Archive: how to compare two numbers?

how to compare two numbers?
how to compare two numbers???
or how to get a number from the registry?

is there something like



how do you compare if you don´t do it like that???

iam new to nsis... i just have some knowledge about c++

Everything you have asked here is documented in the NSIS documentation.


hm i just saw strcmp.... but i wanna read the registry entry in as a number i did that a look at the documentation...

and comparing two numbers??? i didn´t find that either...

maybe iam just blind but i can´t find it



thx and sorry....

i really have been blind...
i have to get into it..

thx for you patience
i appreciate that

Sorry, it's me that never had any patience.
I would usually have helped you a lot more, but it's too late (time) :(

I will be able to help you better tomorrow. :)


it´s no prob...
i will hit you if i can´t get it to work...

i installed nsis yesterday and it´s really hard in the beginning...

so sorry if i seem to be a bit dumb...

another thing....

is there a chance to compare two numbers which
are float??? cause all versionnumbers got something
like 1.05 or something like that...

and i don´t think IntCmp can do that cause it only does take
only "whole" numbers...
at least in c++ this would be right....

I use StrCmp like this:

StrCmp "1.26" "1.056" 0 +3
MessageBox MB_OK "Equal"
goto +2
MessageBox MB_OK "No Equal"

so i can´t check is the version is lower or equal right?

There is a script in the Archive that might do what you want:

"Basically it contains a small function called VersionCheck which correctly compares two dotted notation version strings (e.g. 3.5 and and indicates which of the two is the higher version."

thx... that could be the answer...
if not i could use version numbers without dots...

but i will test it