Archive: How to create install options?

How to create install options?
Hi everyone!
I'm a truly newbie in this stuff.
I've recently created an installer with various sections of files to install, but i'd like to complete the installer by adding installing options.
What i mean is, that i'd like for example to have 3 types of installation, one for example would be complete, which would install everything, another one custom and the last one default.
Hope someone can help me on this.
Thanks in advance!

You should use InstType. You can find an example in bigtest.nsi and makensis.nsi. There are probably some examples in the Archive too. But it's not that complicated, just InstType and SectionIn. The documentation should be enough.

thnks a lot kichik

Another question!
I know now how to set different types of installation.
In this installer i already have support to multilaguage, can i give different names to the installation types, depending on the installation laguage choosen? If so, how can i do it?

Define a LangString. If you're not using the latest CVS version (b4) use LangStringUP. Example (replace to LangStringUP if needed):

LangString InstTypeName ${LANG_ENGLISH} asd
LangString InstTypeName ${LANG_FRENCH} asd3

InstType $(InstTypeName)

Thanks a lot!
Worked perfectly :)