Archive: New stuff

New stuff
As I'm leaving tomorrow on vacation for a week, I have decided to release some partial work I have done in the last few days that might interest a lot of you.

This version includes the possibility to easily show more than one license page (second license, readme page, whatever you want) and permits access to NSIS's NLF strings so you don't have to redefine them. A list of the LangString names is in Source\lang.cpp. To use any string in the uninstaller just prefix it with "un." and NSIS will take care of the rest. This feature, hmm... Doesn't really work so good at the moment ;)

You can get this version here:
An example is attached.

I haven't uploaded it to CVS because it's not ready yet and I haven't completely tested it. If you find anything quirky it would help if you post it here. Expect encountering missing strings, mixed up strings and lots of weird characters if you're using a language that uses characters with the value of 253, 254 or 255.

As I said, I'm going on vacation, so I won't be able to answer any forum/IRC questions in the next few days.


New version uploaded. Fixes LicenseForceSelection in PageEx and inner LangStrings. New example that shows inner LangStrings attached.

Source code included in the ZIP file of course...

And here's a screen shot because packing is boring.

My flight got postponed, so I have made yet another version. Same URL, example attached. Notice there are now two directory pages and each one is using a different variable to work with. There is also a license agreement in the uninstaller, don't forget to read it ;)

Very nice!
I may use the licence page for a readme...

-Stu :)


Working example included in zip file (no need to compile).

What do I need to have for this to run, as I just keep getting a invalid command withPageEx

I've just downloaded the latest updates, and it still doesn't compile

I think you need the file from the link in the first post in this thread.

The files required to compile the above example are not in CVS yet because they are not ready. You must use the files in the zip linked to above.

I have updated the zip to contain the latest changes to support the last example (with the uninstall components page).

Opps, sorry :) and thanks

Oh just wondering is there or will there be Modern UI version?

Of course there will be. Once it's completely ready Joost will surely update the MUI to take advantage of it.

Great addition! I'm using the extra license pages to allow for an intro section, a requirements section and then a license section. Is there a way to change the message box title so it doesn't append ":License Agreement" to each of those windows? Thanks!

See SubCaption under documentation.
Thinking now, how is it possible to use SubCaption when there are multiple LicensePage's; won't it place the same text on all?


Same URL, lots of new stuff. No more /LANG (one license for all languages for example), more default strings (default LicenseText for example) and more stuff that I don't remember.

bla2.nsi is included in the zip file this time and shows how to set the caption too.

I'll be back answering questions soon.

Good night.

[edit]Last beta before b4 if everything is ok.[/edit]

Same URL, text color added (SetCtlColors), some old bugs with SetOutPath and File fixed and another one regarding /REBOOTOK on Windows 98.

Help me test please.

Extraction progress added. Same URL.