Archive: Calling Uninstaller from Installer...

Calling Uninstaller from Installer...
Can someone give me a hand? I want to run the uninstaller from my installer, then continue with the installation. The catch is, if I call the uninstaller from the installer, I want to skip some things in the uninstaller. If I double click the uninstaller, I want to do everything in the uninstaller. So, below is what I have attempted. However, it doesn't appear to call the uninstaller. Any suggestions would be very welcomed!!! Thanks in advance!!!

In the Uninstall Section...
Call un.GetParameters
Pop $0
StrCmp $0 "upgrade" skipit
MessageBox MB_OK "I am here"

Here is the call from the installer...
ExecWait '"$INSTDIR\uninstall.exe upgrade" _?=$INSTDIR'

I put the "_?=$INSTDIR" on this line because I read somewhere that that is needed to make the installer script wait for the uninstaller to finish. If that's not the case, please let me know.

Get the word upgrade outside of the quotes, it's not part of the executable path.

Outside of the double quotes...correct? Not the single quotes?

Also, is it correct to have "_?=$INSTDIR"? I would like to delete the directory at the end of the uninstall...but, this might not allow it because the directory is not empty???

Yes, outside of the double quotes. It should look like this:

ExecWait '"$INSTDIR\uninstall.exe" update _?=$INSTDIR'

It's OK to have the _?= part, and it must be there if you want the installer to really wait for the uninstaller. You won't be able to delete $INSTDIR from the uninstaller because the uninstaller won't copy itself because of the _?= part. If you want to delete it, copy the uninstaller to $TEMP yourself and then call it with _?= from temp. For example:

GetTempFileName $0
CopyFiles /SILENT $INSTDIR\uninstall.exe $0
ExecWait '"$0" update _?=$INSTDIR'

Cool, that actually makes sense to me!?!?!?! (I'm new, if you can't tell) :D

Is GetTempFilename a built-in function, or is it a function I must put in my script?

Thanks so much!!

GetTempFileName is a built-in instruction. Functions that are not built-in are called using the Call instruction. For example:

Call myFunction

Another possibility of something that's not built-in is plug-ins. For example:


There are all the cool functions and plugins on the NSIS Archive:

-Stu :)

hello... I'm sorry to "up" this topic, but I don't understand it really...

this is my code :

SetOutPath "$TEMP"
WriteUninstaller "$TEMP\setup_KTV_tmp.exe"

;écrit dans le KTVsetup.ini qu'il est en train d'installer

WriteIniStr "$TEMP\KTVsetup.ini" "setup" "type" "install"

;Lance le désinstalleur en fenêtre, cache l'autre fenêtre (qui de toute façon est déjà cachée avec le silentinstall silent)

ExecWait '$TEMP\setup_KTV_tmp.exe _?=$TEMP'
IfErrors no_remove_uninstaller
ReadRegStr $0 HKLM Software\K!TV ""
StrCpy $INSTDIR "$0"
WriteUninstaller "$INSTDIR\UninstKTV.exe"

Delete "$TEMP\setup_KTV_tmp.exe"

and my execwait doesn't wait :L

where is my error ?

thx for your answers ;)


this works :) :

ExecWait '"$TEMP\setup_KTV_tmp.exe" _?=$TEMP'

(quoting problem)
(i'm really dumb :D )