Archive: "Section" Significance

"Section" Significance
This is probably a simple question for most of you, but I'm new to NSIS and I don't quite get it yet. What is the significance of "Sections" in the NSIS script? Thanks in advance!!!

In each section Nsis installer make several commands and
instructions that configure the behavior of the installer...
In sections you can install files in different dirs, write into the
registry, etc...


Section "Install main application files"
### have stuff here ###

This will insert a Component Item onto the Components page which your users can select/deselect to install/notinstall that Section.

You can also have SubSections which will make your components into a nice component tree.

For example:

SubSection "Main Files"
Section "Main dll's"

Section "Images"


OH!!!! So, it's a way to collect the COMPONENTS together for the Components page!!!! That makes sense! Thanks much!