Archive: Extracting certain files only?

Extracting certain files only?

How can i extract certain files only during updates
such that the setup program should only update the file
that is currently in the directory?

I'm trying something like this

IfFileExists "album.dll" 0 bypassAlbum
File album.dll

Is this correct or is there some other function that
can do the job? And I have to do this for a lot of files,
so is there a simpler way to go about it?



Use the "SetOverwrite off" command to preserve files already present on the target computer. You could also use "SetOverwrite ifnewer" to overwrite files only if they are newer than the ones on the target computer.


Last modified attribute of each file is kept in the installer :?

I believe it would use the system properties of the file on the target system and compare it with the files in the installer. Although a member of NSIS Dev Team would know for sure.


Sorry i think i should rephrase my questions.

I only want to update the file if the same file exist.
This means if the file does not exist on the harddisk in the
first place, i don't want to extract the file from the


Yes in that case your code is the way to go.
