Archive: Small Window pops up on install start

Small Window pops up on install start
I can't really tell what the window says, but there is a small window that pops up right before my Welcome page appears. It goes away right away, but I'm wondering if it's telling me that something is wrong. Has anyone else seen anything like this? Thanks in advance!!!

I think I know what that small window is. I believe it's a function of using BZ2. It looks like it says something like the setup is unpacking. Is this correct what I am seeing? Is that normal?

The windows will only appear if you use BZ2 compression and it will stay open while the files are uncompressed. If the instraller is very large it can stay open for quite a while especially if the installer is on a cd. The installer tells the user that the installer is verifing it's integrity and displays a progress of this.


Is there any way to localize this message so it's not necessary to recompile each time we want the message to appear in a different language?

I don't think so but you could use a resource hacker to change the text without recompiling.

Do it to the UI before you make you installer and not to the installer itself as that would fail the CRC of the installer.
