I have a query???
Hi I have a little query
I have this in my script
The first part of the onInit lines works fine, thats not the problem
First it check the Reg to see if the program I am patching is version 2.02
If not it give you the message to update and quits
When the update has been install My program then installs
Thats fine it works, like I said
It's the seccond part of the onInit lines, once my patch is installed, if you try to install it again, it checks the Reg for the second part of the onInit script
It checks to see if my version is 1.0, if it is then you get the message saying that it has already been installed and quits
This is the line I put in for the second part of the onInit line to check the RegonInit
|MB_OK "WARNING: Your version of Blah has not yet been updated to version 2.02.$\n$\nPlease install the update,/$\n$\nbefore attempting to install ${MUI_PRODUCT} ${MUI_VERSION}"
ReadRegStr$0 HKLM "Other Software\v1.0" "Version"
>IntCmp $0 1 +1 +1 +3
ReadRegStr$0 HKLM "Software\My Application\${MUI_PRODUCT}" "Version"
>IntCmp $0 1 +1 +3
MessageBox MB_ICONINFORMATION|MB_OK "${MUI_PRODUCT} ${MUI_VERSION} has already been installed"
WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\My Application\${MUI_PRODUCT}\" "Version" "${MUI_VERSION}"
Q1. My actual query is, are the numbers correct next to the IntCmp line in the second part of the onInit lines, sorry but the numbers confuse me a little, not really knowing what they mean. I know it explains it in the help file, but could someone explain to me in laymans terms what they actually mean and used for, please.Q2. I tried changing the version of my script to version 2.0 to see if the program would install on top of the 1.0 version, like I said it first checks the Reg to see if version 1.0 has been installed. but I just get the message that the program has already been installed.
Q3. What would I have to change so that version 2.0 installs on top of version 1.0
Thanks in advance