Who/what is this
I receiced the following email:
First: i never sent any email asking how resolve a NSIS script or error.
the message from
hi there,
sorry for the late reply - holidays got to happen sometime ;)
looks like the specified file is not installed on your computer.
it is part of a common dialog control from microsoft. i have attached the
file for you in this email. if you dont trust me enough - you can download
at quite a few sites - just search for comct332.ocx on google.
My message ....never sent to anybody
> Hi,
> I just dowloaded nsis script and I have the folowing error:
> Run-Time error'339':
> Component 'COMCT332.OCX'or one of its dependencies not correctly
> registred: a file is missing or invalid.
> Can you tell me please how I can run NSis Script.
> Thank you appreciate it.
> Best regards
> BTW there is an attachment file
Someone can answer what is this and second ...he talking about:
If you dont trust me(true I dont trust you).