Archive: Icon for avs

Icon for avs
I have already done one section for windows XP*

Section "AVS Preset Icon for Windows XP ONLY" IconXP_SEC
SectionIn 3 4
SetOutPath $WINDIR

File "yi-avs_xp.ico"
WriteRegStr HKCR ".avs" "" "AVSPreset"
WriteRegStr HKCR "AVSPreset" "" "AVS Preset"
WriteRegStr HKCR "AVSPreset\DefaultIcon" "" "$WINDIR\yi-avs_xp.ico"

and now I want to get the other one for windows 98*

* plz tell me what other versions (of windows) the code can be used on

This code should work on every Windows version (that NSIS supports, I can't guarantee it'll work on Windows 3.11 ;)).

Check out this archive page for more information about associations.

look, my avs icon :)