Archive: congrats on the new website

congrats on the new website
Congratulations to everyone involved in the update to the NSIS development site (, it looks excellent. :D

And congratulations (and many thanks!) to all those involved in making NSIS what it is - the smallest, most flexible and simply the best installer solution available.



No - not good - i prefer the older one

And i am missing the date of the CVS :(

Thanks :) I installed a good CMS and tried to add some nice content / FAQ items. Site maintenance is a lot easier now, so if anyone wants to write articles, comparisions, news items, FAQ items etc. it can be added immidiately :D

So if you want to help a bit improving FAQ/documentation, browse the forum and look for common questions.

Brummelchen: The site is just on-line, quick links and build dates etc. will all be added.

Btw on Development page:

immidiately > immediately

-Stu :)

Me also congrats to the Nsis DEVs :)
/* What? no cake? :D */

New changelog is ready and build dates are back :)

Strange new design, I don't know wheter to like it or not.

Imo there's one really big flaw with the design, both with the old one as well with the new one: It doesn't scale. I'm using 1600*1200 resolution and the nsis page only fills half the screen.
And now try to imagine how the new design looks for people which use a 1900 resolution or something even larger.

I started working on the content first. The design can be improved, any help would be appreaciated.

Imo not scaling is ok, this forum doesn't scale too. Reading long lines of text is very annoying.


Development snapshot

The snapshot is being updated multiple times a day and contains the latest development files.

Using a development snapshot allows you to use and test the latest cutting-edge features and bugfixes. Usually the new features are quite stable, but they have not been throughly tested yet, so if you are not following the NSIS development closely, we don't recommended you to use the development snapshot for installer production.

You can download the latest snapshot here.
I still need the exact date here like it was before - changelog may uptodate but not the last.
>> being updated multiple times a day

It's already on the homepage. I'll add it there too.

I award Joost and Kichik the very ethereal and intangible 'most responsive and patient' dev awards. ;)

Thanks for all your hard work guys (you too Ramon, and everyone else I'm forgetting. :|)

THX Joost - perfect.

Just got back from vacation and checked it out: It rocks!! :up: Great work people! :)

Nice job. I really like the new design. Much cleaner and easier to use. :)