Archive: Edit Welcome Captions

Edit Welcome Captions

I am trying to tweak the texts in welcome dialog in modern ui...

I edited the MUI.nsh and overwrites MUI_WELCOME_INFO_TITLE and
MUI_WELCOME_INFO_TEXT in my NSI file. It works but when I selected
a different language, the default seem to show (though I can't read it because it's in japanese, but i'm sure it isn't the one).

I edited MUI.nsh because I can't find any functions to do what I want. Is there any other way?



The proper way is documented in the MUI readme:

You don't need to edit the language files if you want to customize some strings. Use defines before you insert the language file:

!define MUI_BRANDINGTEXT "French Branding Text"
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "French"
Have a look at the language files for a complete list of all the string names.

Thanks a lot! will do that...


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