Archive: New User - Modern UI

New User - Modern UI
Just install NSIS and can not find how to use the Modern UI Wizard. Another thing I got a shortcut "MakeNSIS project workspace" which lead nowhere. Please help!!

First of all make sure you have installed NSIS 2 and not NSIS 1. It's also recommended you upgrade to latest CVS version of NSIS 2 (see since there are a lot of fixes in it.

After you made sure you have NSIS 2 (a full installation to make sure you didn't unselect MUI) go to Examples\Modern UI for examples and read Contrib\Modern UI\Readme.html (also accessible through the NSIS documentation) for information.

MakeNSIS Project Workspace is a Microsoft Visual C++ file. To use it you must have MSVC or a another program that's capable of reading/editing it. It's only needed if you wish to change and/or compile the source code of NSIS.

Thanks, I already did all of these things. I thought there is a sort of GUI interface to create the installation program but I was probably wrong. It seems like you have to code everything like in the old days.

There are some in the Archive. Look under NSIS Related Software.