Archive: Surpressing one section of file extraction output

Surpressing one section of file extraction output
Im fairly new to NSIS (been using it for about 6 - 7 months) and i was wondering if it was possible to surpress just one section of the output in the show details text box.. like, say when we copy 50 files.. instead of those 50 files saying Extracting: ... for each file, we would like to set soem text that says "Extracting temporary files..." while those fiels are extracting, then go out to the normal output.. is that possible?

PS: My wording is prolly horrid, i just woke up.. so nothings realy making sense to me right now :p

You should use SetDetailsPrint. See the documentation for more information about this instruction.

Im aware of that.. but it seems when i use it.. it shows that text.. but it still shows the output for the copy..

Can you attach an example so I can see what's wrong? Please don't copy and paste your script, attach.


SORRY! I forgot to upload the file.. i know.. i know.. double posts suck ;x

If you don't want the status texts to be shown on the log (list box) you should use textonly or none, not listonly. listonly causes NSIS to show it only in the log, the oppsite of what I have understood you wish to do.

i want it to be shown sometimes... when i copy everything to the temp folder, i dont it to show "Extracting: ...." but i want it to resume showing after thats done.. make sense?

Yes, it does make sense. As you can see in your own example you can use SetDetailsPrint more than once. You can easily put SetDetailsPrint none before the block you want to hide and SetDetailsPrint both or listonly after it. Nothing stops you from using it as many times as you'd like.