Archive: NSIS B3 > latest dev build warnings

NSIS B3 > latest dev build warnings

I have just downloaded NSISB4 (latest dev build) when I compile an existing install - I now get the following warnings ? Do I need to be worried ?



13 warnings:
uninstall function "un.mui.ConfirmPre" not referenced - zeroing code (0-4) out

uninstall function "un.mui.InstFilesPre" not referenced - zeroing code (7-11) out

uninstall function "un.mui.InstFilesLeave" not referenced - zeroing code (13-23) out

install function "mui.WelcomePre" not referenced - zeroing code (0-44) out

install function "mui.LicensePre" not referenced - zeroing code (46-50) out

install function "mui.LicenseShow" not referenced - zeroing code (51-54) out

install function "mui.DirectoryPre" not referenced - zeroing code (56-60) out

install function "mui.DirectoryShow" not referenced - zeroing code (61-64) out

install function "mui.StartmenuPre" not referenced - zeroing code (66-90) out

install function "mui.InstFilesPre" not referenced - zeroing code (92-96) out

install function "mui.InstFilesLeave" not referenced - zeroing code (98-108) out

install function "mui.FinishPre" not referenced - zeroing code (109-197) out

LangString "MUI_INNERTEXT_COMPONENTS_DESCRIPTION_INFO" is not present in all language tables!

Please read the Modern UI Readme and check the updated syntax for the page settings. You can also find a topic in this fourm.


Sorry, but do not know even where to start. The erros I am warnings are not from my script. Do not even seem to have mui.finishpre for example ? Are these new params I need to add ?

Did have a search for the forum post you mentioned - but could not find anything either ...

Check the FAQ:

ok - now I am sure I am being totally stupid ... but the readme and the samples to not match up. eg in your sample it talks about using !insertmacro to call the pages. However if you see below the readme - still talks about the old method which Is the way I used to use. I am soooo confused ...


!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_LICENSE


;Modern UI Configuration

!define MUI_HEADERBITMAP "${NSISDIR}\Contrib\Icons\modern-header.bmp"


In the modernui readme as shipped in NSIS b4 (latest dev)

3. Pages

Insert the following macros to set the pages you want to use. The pages will appear in the order you insert them in your script. You can also insert custom Page commands between the macros to add custom pages.
More info about custom pages...


!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_COMPONENTSInstaller Pages

Uninstaller Pages

I have no idea where you are taling about. They say exactly the same.


Whats the difference between


!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_WELCOME



The text you copied from the readme is from a list of macro names. Above the list is an exmple of usage and the text insert the following macros to set the pages you want to use.

same here
I think I had the same problem lately when I updated in cvs.
Some error MUI_PAGECOMMAND_WELCOME macro is missing, etc. I just commented them out and changed it to MUI_PAGE_WELCOME as I read above and it compiled neatly.


"spaghettiii pataas... spaghettiii pababa..."

Looks like you were using custom pages. You don't need to use a different system for custom pages anymore, so you can also remove the custom page command defines.


OK finally worked it out ;-)

All my installers are fine - apart from one that still issues one final warning - cannot for the life of me work out why.

LangString "MUI_INNERTEXT_COMPONENTS_DESCRIPTION_INFO" is not present in all language tables!

Any ideas ? Thanks for the help people! ;-)

I'm having the same problem. This is my error:

1 warning:
LangString "MUI_INNERTEXT_COMPONENTS_DESCRIPTION_INFO" is not present in all language tables!

My file is attached. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you all very much.

Are you sure you installed the new snapshot correctly?

Yeah. All the new documentation is there. All the MUI examples are updated to the new version and they are working. Any ideas?

When you converted to the new MUI syntax, you missed out the components page. If you add

to the list of installer pages then the compiler should stop complaining about the Lang String not being present in all tables.

I am not using a components page ... all my installers work apart from one - which I get this error.

Thanks! That fixed it. In retrospect it doesn't make any sense to add descriptions for the sections if I'm not going to show the descriptions on a components page.


If an MUI-based script which does not use the components page gives the

LangString "MUI_INNERTEXT_COMPONENTS_DESCRIPTION_INFO" is not present in all language tables!

warning when you compile it, make sure the script does not contain any MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT lines, such as

!insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${sec1} $(DESC_SEC_ONE)
!insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${sec2} $(DESC_SEC_TWO)


Thanks - that was what the problem was ... fixed ;-)