Archive: carriage return and newline

carriage return and newline
I wrote this:

; optional section
Section 'Rename the original file without deleting in "original_file"'
Rename "C:\File_path\file" "C:\File_path\original_file.hlp"

Unfortunately 'Rename the original file...' is too long and the sentence goes out of the window!

How can I divide it into two or more parts? Can I decide the carriage returns and newlines using $\r and $\n? Because I try to use them but in the text appeares only a vertical black line at the place of the command...

Help me plese!

If $\r$\n doesn't work you have three options. The first, and the easier one, is to find a shorter name. The second is to create an InstallOptions page where you can have as many lines as you want and \r\n (no $ in InstallOptions labels) work. The third is to edit the UI using Resource Hacker to make more space for the text.

Can you make an example to make me understand how to use the InstallOptions ? There is nothing about it in makensis.htm...

Where can I find more informations?

Thanks for helping me !

There are some examples in the Archive. There are also examples that come with NSIS. Look in Contrib\InstallOptions and Examples\Modern UI\InstallOptions.nsi. You can also find a readme for InstallOptions in Contrib\InstallOptions.