Archive: Specifying the My Network Places as the root of a DirRequest control

Specifying the My Network Places as the root of a DirRequest control

Is it possible to specify My Network Places/Network Neighborhood as the root of a DirRequest control?


According to MSDN you can specify a string such as:


As root. According to my registry the CLSID for My Network Places is 208D2C60-3AEA-1069-A2D7-08002B30309D. Therefore specifying root as:


Works for me. But make sure it's the same CLSID on your computer and that, unless you plan on making this installer Windows ME/2000/XP only, it will work on Windows 98 too where My Network Places doesn't exist.

Maybe you can get the CLSID from the registry on runtime somehow. That would be the best solution that will work on all versions of Windows.

When I tried


on my Windows 98SE system, I found that clicking the (...) button displays the "Network Neigborhood" as the root of the browse window.

Cool, thanks. Anyone with Windows 95 willing to check and see what's the result there?

[edit]According to MSDN:

Note Systems earlier than Windows 2000 use a display name of Network Neighborhood instead of My Network Places. However, the CLSID is the same for both.
It should therefore work for all Windows versions.[/edit]

Many thanks to kichik (again!) and pengyou for your help. With your pointers, I've been able to find this MSDN page with a list of possible roots. In summary, the useful roots for installers are:

Maybe it's something that useful to include in the InstallOptions documentation?
