Archive: NSIS_CONFIG_LOG how and where to define?

NSIS_CONFIG_LOG how and where to define?

I have another question regarding the logging. The docs say: LogSet
Sets whether install logging to $INSTDIR\install.log will happen. $INSTDIR must have a value before you call this function or it will not work. Note that NSIS_CONFIG_LOG must be set in the installer configuration (it is not by default) to support this.

Here my question:
How can I set the NSIS_CONFIG_LOG ?
Where shall I set it ? In the script file of MY installer-script or in the config files of NSIS?


You missed the line after that says "Note that NSIS_CONFIG_LOG must be set in the compile configuration file (config.h) on compile time (it is not by default) to support this. See Compiling NSIS Sources for more information about recompiling NSIS.". So like it says see Compiling NSIS Sources.

[edit]Actually maybe it's just that the online docs are slightly more recent than your copy[/edit]

Ah, sorry,

I read my locally installed Docs which came with the build version NSIS v2.0b3.
I don't use the sources, so sorry for the confusion and thanks anyway for your help.

Cheers, Michael

Wait...I don't get what you've agreed upon. Yes I changed ~NSIS\Source\exehead\config.h (uncommented #define NSIS_CONFIG_LOG). Now I gather that I recompile this source code.

Could you tell me exactly how to do that; where is the workspace, the .dsw, that I need to recompile. Or maybe I'm wrong on this and if so, can you re-steer me?


Which compiler do you have?

Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0

That's easy. Just open the project file and choose Batch build from the Build menu.

thanks, looks like it recompiled. now have to figure out if install.log is a default or do I define it

:o mdm

Alternative to recompile NSIS
Another alternative is to use a function to dump the contents fo log window to a file.

See in:
the item C.6 Dump Content of Log Window to File.

Good Luck

You won't get the same result. With NSIS_CONFIG_LOG you can log a lot more.

quite a bit more..I found some root of some mysterious errors in file initialization with it. By the way, what is Call:<int_value> and Jump:<int_value>?


Probably (but not definitely) Call is invocation of a function, and Jump is a goto.


where can I download the source code for this?
where can I download the source code for this?

No need to recompile the source. Download the special build with logging enabled from:


what difference between this makensis with original one?

makensis also needs to change to support logging. For example, it needs to support the LogSet command.

Afrow UK. You've posted special build for Logging. Too much information in the install.log, anyway I can simplify that?


You'll have to change the code and rebuild NSIS yourself to modify or remove log messages.