Archive: modify registry key under Xp

modify registry key under Xp
I used NSIS to deploy a simulator which is hardware dependent.
Under NT4, I directly modified a registry parameter via WriteRegDWORD.
But now under Xp, the key is under an UID, and I don't know how to browse the subkey. Any idea?
thanks by advance

Sorry, I don't understand your problem.
What do you mean by "can't browse subkey"

-Stu :)

Use EnumRegKey and EnumRegValue if you can't find a native way of finding out what that UID is. If it's under a UID it's safe to assume there can easily be more like this. Unless you can verify that the found key is the right one, a better solution, in my opnion, would be to get this UID from another reg key or using an API call.

registry modification

Thanks for your response, I've a small application which enumerate all the subkey, and so I can modify the key thanks to it.
Question: how can I use NSIS to call my application (example: test.exe value)? Do I need to use !system call?

You should use !system if you want to execute it on compile time. If you want to execute it on runtime you should use Exec, ExecShell, ExecWait or nsExec (a plug-in, see Contrib\nsExec for a readme).

Why are you using an external program for registry modification?
NSIS contains all the commands you will need for registry editing.