Archive: How to use the "Close" button in the right hand corner of the installer?

How to use the "Close" button in the right hand corner of the installer?
I can press it all day with no effect. It seems that there are no default actions assigned to it?

Much Appreciated.

What do you mean? The Cancel button? Can you post a screenshot?

It is the "X" button in the top left hand corner of the installer. This button is the standard "close" button of any windows application. Let me know if this is sufficient or you would still require the screen shot. Much Appreciated.

Have a button in the installer to close the Install window after the "Next >" button. That button is disabled? If not, click it. Now the installer closes?

I was talking about the "x" button and not the "close" or "cancel" buttons.

Please, try it and say. You don't want to I try to fix the problem?

So you have created an installer an the X button does not work? That's weird, you are probably using an outdated NSIS version. Get the lastest version at

Sorry maybe I was not clear enough. It seems when my installer is running (copying files) pressing the "X" (aka exit/close button) does nothing it does not stop the installer.

That's right. It's disabled because stopping during the installation is not a good idea.

In other words this is by design. Right? If yes, then this answers my question. Much appreciated!

That is not a fault with NSIS, and is built in by design.
Why would you want the user to be able to close the installer while files are being installed - on major installers, it would leave half the software installed, and half the dlls registered or whatever.

But anyway, maybe there should be a NSIS command to enable the close button (along with a warning message).


I think the "X" button should at least look disabled? Right now clicking is allowed and a normal user expectation would be to have some reaction to a click to an enabled exit button. Perhaps a wish list for next release?

The X button have the same effect as the Close or Cancel button, it's because of that questions before if you didn't understand. Sometimes the Close button is disabled, so the X button have to be too but appears not disabled, but when you click it, it is as disabled.