Archive: Abort installer

Abort installer
I have the following situation:
In my installer I have a custom page which sets some parameters for an external program that I have to run.
On the leave function of this custom page I run the program, check the output and if any error occured I call abort.
This doesn't let me to go to the next page.
As this is a critical error I want to cancel completly the install process. Maybe displaying a message and then exit the installer.
Any ideeas on how to do that ?



Abort makes you go back to the page being left, so just not call Abort if you want to continue.


The Abort command behaves differently when you use it in a "leave" function.
You could move the code that runs the external program and does the checking into the function that creates the custom page (put it after the InstallOptions line). Then you can use Abort (in the "custom page" function) to cancel the installation.

As this is a critical error I want to cancel completly the install process. Maybe displaying a message and then exit the installer.
Use MessageBox command, and after, the Quit command.

Thanks for the tips !
Actually I think handle the error after InstallOption it's maybe a better idea.
I new there must a "quit" command but i guess i forgot about it.:igor:
