Archive: Custom Page call back

Custom Page call back
can any body help me, what i have is a custom page which has three combobox's, what i would like to do is dynamically change two of the combobox's depending on the value of the first combo, is there any way this can be done?

This can be done only when the user clicks next, using WriteINIStr and ReadINIStr


It sounds a bit weird to me. Are you sure you should not use checkboxes or something else?

You are trying to say want to change 2 of the 3 comboboxes depending on the result of the other one? This is not possible now, because you have to go to next page to update the information. Resuming, the controls state aren't set in real time (not every time updated), using the Install Options. It will be a GREAT FEATURE REQUEST!

very tricky - i would do this way:

1 - options
2 - options (disabled)
3 - options (disabled)

<back next>

if you made your choice on (1) goto same pane back (in sc - NO click on back) and change the IO to (2) and enable it.
do same on (3) when (2) has been choosen.

when all options are enabled go to the next pane. use a counter for it.

1 - options
2 - options (disabled)
3 - options (disabled)

<back next>

1 - options
2 - options (modified, enabled)
3 - options (disabled)

<back next>

1 - options
2 - options (modified, enabled)
3 - options (modified, enabled)

<back next>


Thanks for all of the replies deguix has got it spot on, at the moment i have created two custom pages which solves this issue, but it would be a great PE!!!!

Another way to change the contents of a combo box (or other items on a custom page) is to use a loop in the function that generates the custom page. When the user clicks the 'Next' button, the function can either exit to let the next page be shown or it can change the custom page INI file and call InstallOptions again to display the modified custom page.

I gave an example in another thread a while ago