!insertmacro and single quotes
I have tried to write script that
has a function and an accompanying macro:
Function __WriteBatFile
!macro WriteBatFile filename commands
Push "${commands}"
Push "${filename}"
Call __WriteBatFile
!insertmacro WriteBatFile "$INSTDIR\afile.bat" '"$INSTDIR\afile.exe" /S'
but when I use strings that have spaces, I get an error message from makensis saying:
!insertmacro: WriteBatFile
Push expects 1 parameter got 5.
Usage: Push string
Error in macro WriteBatFile on macroline 1
I have tried many combinations of single and double quotes and only the number of arguments changes. I have also tried $\". It seems as though !insertmacro only looks for double quotes and interprets everything else literally.
If someone could enlighten me I would greatly appreciate it.